Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I turn back and see,
then i look in front of me~
how pathetic it is for me~
wasted so much time previously...


i didn't really did my best, i didn't really live life to the fullness, end up i realize my friends, my primary school mates are way in front of me living such a successful and meaningful life~~

1/3 of my life span already past~~ scary

Once i heard we can still change before 30s... 5 more years to go... will i still be in the same situation? Its time to equip my self and spend my time efficiently. i have to chase back what i've lost

我真的不甘心我浪费掉的光阴,过去已经过去不能再改变,前面就只有更加努力的追回了!前方的朋友等我吧! 我来了!

改变思想,努力 珍惜每秒 朝向理想迈进!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Past and Future~

人生的过去总是留下了多多少少的遗憾。。。 每个人都希望可以重来。。。很多人就此责怪,埋怨 而停下了脚步。。。 过去的遗憾变成了绊脚石。。。。
不如自我反省, 从今天起! 活出生命,活得精彩,活出100%

我们不能改变过去, 却能改变未来!=)